Evisa into Vietnam


Since July 2023, all visitors to Vietnam can apply e-visa. It is really a good news
Currently, tourists are granted visas when traveling to Vietnam. Electronic visa to Vietnam is valid for 90 days, staying no more than 14 days for each entry.
E-visas is truly a huge change. Vietnam E-visa Vietnam creates much more favorable conditions for visitors.
Previously, to apply for a visa at the border gate, visitors still had to apply for approval letter first, then when they arrived at the border gate, they would have to wait for the visa stamp.
Currently, with Vietnam evisa, you only need to declare basic information about your identity and expected itinerary to Vietnam. After a few days, the results are available. That helps save time and money. Evisa Vietnam is really very convenient for tourists. And this recognizes the efforts of the Vietnamese government in improving work efficiency as well as promoting the development of Vietnam's tourism industry.
1. Step 1: Fulfill required information:
Foreigner apply for e-visa - National portal on Immigration
2. Step 2: Pay E-visa fee. Your application will be processed in 3 working days;
3. Step 3: Enter registration code, registration email and date of birth to check result in E-visa search menu. If being approved for E-visa, please print E-visa to enter/exit Vietnam.



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